The CERISE project held its virtual kick-off meeting 17-18 January 2023 which brought together for the first time all project participants to discuss the work of this new project. During the meeting we heard updates from our Project Officer in Brussels about how the work of CERISE fits in to the wider ambitions of HADEA as well as a keynote presentation from the C3S director. Though it was a virtual event, there was a good energy to be starting the ambitious work of CERISE.
Day-1: 17 January 2023
- 09:30-09:50 Welcome and introduction, Patricia de Rosnay (ECMWF)CERISE_KO_2023-01-17_Intro_plenary.pdf
- 09:50-10:10 “Horizon Europe context & implementation guidelines” by Project Officer, Lukas Lanneau (HaDEA)
- 10:10-10:40 Partners presentation (2 min /1 slide per institute) CERISE_Partner-Introductions.pdf
- 10:40-11:00 coffee break
- 11:00 Group photo
- 11:00-11:20 Welcome from C3S, Carlo Buontempo (ECMWF)
- 11:20-11:30 WP1 Filipe Aires (Estellus), Pete Weston (ECMWF) CERISE_WP1_plenary.pdf
- 11 :30-11:40 WP2 Patricia de Rosnay (ECMWF), Jelena Bojarova (SMHI) CERISE_WP2_KO_plenary.pdf
- 11:40-11:50 WP3 Jean-Christophe Calvet (Météo-France), Tim Stockdale (ECMWF) CERISE_WP3-KO-Plenary.pdf
- 11:50-12:00 WP4 Hans Hersbach (ECMWF), Harald Schyberg (MET Norway) CERISE_WP4-KO-Plenary.pdf
- 12:00-12:10 WP5 Núria Pérez-Zanón (BSC), Anca Brookshaw (ECMWF) CERISE_WP5_KO-Plenary.pdf
- 12:10-12:20 WP6 Fréderic Vitart (ECMWF), Jeff Knight (Met Office) CERISE_WP6-KO-Plenary.pdf
- 12:20-12:30 WP7 Carla Cardinali (CMCC), Isabel Trigo (IPMA) CERISE-WP7-KO-Plenary.pdf
- 12:30-12:50 Project Management Tanya Warnaars (ECMWF) CERISE_WP8-TW.pdf
Breakout WP discussions
- 14:00-16:00: WP1-WP2-WP4 joint meeting
- 14:00-15:00: WP3-WP5 joint meeting
- 16:00-17:00: WP3-WP5-WP6 joint meeting
Day-2: 18 January 2023
- Breakout WP discussions
- 09:30-10:00 WP4-WP5 joint meeting
- 10:00-11:00 WP7 and interconnections meeting
- 11:00-11:30 coffee break
- 11:30-13:00 WP6 and interconnections meeting
- 13.00 - 14.00 LUNCH
Plenary session
- 14:00-14:10 Reporting back from WP1
- 14:10-14:20 Reporting back from WP2
- 14:20-14:30 Reporting back from WP4 Global reanalysis slides and regional
- 14:30-14:40 WP1, WP2, WP4 interconnections
- 14:40-14:50 Reporting back from WP3
- 14:50-15:00 Reporting back from WP5
- 15:00-15:10 WP3-WP5 and WP4-WP5 interconnections
- 15:10-15:20 Reporting back from WP7
- 15:20-15:30 Reporting back from WP6 and connections
- 15:30-15:40 WP6 and WP7 interconnections
- 15:40-15:50: Kick-off meeting closure