The CERISE project held its first face to face General Assembly in Reading 17th to 19th January 2024.

 Over 50 attendees from the 12 CERISE project partners attended in person, with a further 10 online. This mixture of in person and hybrid sessions meant that as wide a participation as possible was ensured.

The CERISE General Assembly was used as an opportunity not only to hear about important Work Package updates and scientific highlights but also enabled in depth discussions on collaborations across Work Packages.

Patricia de Rosnay opening talk at the CERISE General Assembly


Patricia de Rosnay, the CERISE project coordinator, opened the meeting with an overview of the main CERISE project aims. 



Invited speaker, Carlo Buontempo, Director of C3S.

Invited speaker, Carlo Buontempo, Director of C3S at ECMWF, presented an update on C3S activities, showing how CERISE activities fit in to the C3S landscape. 




An update followed from our second invited speaker, Magdalena Balmaseda, the lead of the EC sister project CONFESS, on the interplays between the overlapping themes. 



CERISE WP progress and scientific highlights were then presented from WP1 and WP2 leads, followed by a project poster and icebreaker session.

Day 2 started with the first of the Work Package breakout sessions. The day continued with the WP progress and highlights from each of the WP leaders. Further inter work package collaboration sessions closed off Day 2, followed by dinner in Reading town centre.

The final WP collaboration sessions were convened on Friday morning following with a summary wrap up. Patricia then closed the meeting at midday.

Patricia comments “It was a great opportunity to meet face to face and hold important inter-work package discussions. The interaction and engagement shown by the team during the course of the 3 days is very encouraging and I’m looking forward to our next year which is undoubtedly going to be a very busy year for the project, with fruitful results.“

CERISE GA Group photo 2024


Link to Agenda:


CERISE General Assembly group photo