CERISE was well represented at the C3S GA meeting in Brussels on 17-19th June 2024 7th C3S General Assembly | Copernicus, showing how the CERISE developments will benefit the user needs. A dedicated CERISE presentation and a demo of the SUNSET tool attracted a lot of interest from the users. 

The first day of the General Assembly was dedicated to “Climate monitoring, Attribution and Assessing Risks", followed by elevator pitches introducing the posters.

Patricia de Rosnay (ECMWF), Project Coordinator of CERISE, gave a presentation on the second day (Tuesday 18th June) of the General Assembly entitled “CERISE: towards enhanced coupling in C3S reanalysis” providing an update on the CERISE aims and progress. The talk is  available on youtube: https://youtu.be/9HTBSQur5fQ 

Núria Perez Zanon (BSC) gave a demo of the SUNSET multisystem seasonal prediction diagnostic also on Tuesday 18th June. The demo garnered a lot of interest.

Patricia comments “ It was great to present CERISE at the C3S General Assembly and to show our progress in this last year directly to the C3S community. Nuria’s demo was very successful. 

Reactions to both the project progress and the demo is very encouraging and we are energised to continue our great advances this year.”